- The screen shows "Nothing to display", your playlist is empty or the file cannot be reached..
- Press 'ESC' key or CTRL+Q or Double click on mouse wheel: if the screen is back on the playlist was in sleep mode.
- Check if the screen is powered and if the right input is selected (ex: HDMI1 HDMI2...)
- Check the HDMI Cable, is it properly plugged, if is it damaged, if is it too long?
- Check if the Media Video or Image is too big or if the resolution is too high for the player, or its format is not compatible, 720p video is a good test.
- Check the player clock/time, the sleep mode might be on at night, if the time is off check the NTP protocol accessibility on the network to automatically synchronnize the clock on the Internet.
Can Linutop Kiosk play HD video?
- Yes Linutop Kiosk plays HD video depending on you hardware.
How do I quit the linutop Kiosk in full screen ?
-To quit Linutop Kiosk press 'ESC'key or CTRL+Q or Double click on mouse wheel.
Can we use Linutop Kiosk as an Audio player ?
- Yes Linutop Kiosk play any audio files.
How can I prevent the system from asking to login when exitique screen sleep?
- you need to desactivate session lock to 'never' in the security tab of the power management menu.