The Linutop OS comes with a set of installed applications. All these applications (in fact, the entire system) are open source.
Table 5-1. Linutop OS XS for PC - Main applications
| Firefox | A web browser |
| Firefox | A web browser |
| LibreOffice | An office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, presentation) |
| Linutop-kiosk | A Kiosk Web Browser and a Digital Signage Player |
| Linutop Configuration Panel | An complete system configuration menu tools |
| VLC | A multimedia player |
| Mirage | An image viewer |
| TSClient | A thin client tool (RDP, VNC, X11) |
| Solitaire | A card game |
| Ubuntu | The Linux operating base system |
The Linutop OS XS is slightly different to accommodate the Raspberri Pi Platform.
Table 5-2. Linutop OS XS for RaspBerry Pi - Main applications
| Chromium | A web browser |
| LibreOffice | An office suite (word processor, spreadsheet, presentation) |
| Linutop-kiosk | A Kiosk Web Browser and a Digital Singage Player |
| Linutop Configuration Panel | An complete system configuration menu tools |
| VLC | A multimedia player |
| Mirage | An image viewer |
| Solitaire | A card game |
| Debian | The Linux operating base system |
These applications are integrated in a desktop environment called Xfce. It is the application handling the windows, background, icons, file manager...
Linutop applications Command line:
Linutop Kiosk (player):
Linutop Kiosk settings:
Linutop panneau de configuration:
sudo linutop-os-settings
Linutop autostart: